Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Really Starting to Get Distracting....

So, I have begun to notice this fascinating tick that Mitt Romney has. Have you noticed it? Watch for it, you'll see, it really kind of sucks you in. Pretty soon, like me, you'll be hanging on his every phrase, listening for it. Mitt smacks his lips, I'm serious! every few words he pauses and smacks his lips. It's becoming so frequent, and getting louder too, it's impossible to miss. Watch, next time he is speaking on TV, listen for it.

I suppose I could come up with some convincing sounding psycho-babble to explain it, like he is masking feelings of inferiority with overcompensation, trying to pull off this superiority act which he has been able to get away with, with first his daddy's wealth, then his own, but he doesn't realize these feelings find a way to come out no matter how hard you try to cover them up, but.....maybe later.

For now "smack" I'm still mesmerized "smack" by his interesting little tick "smack". I mean, "smack", it's all you are aware of "smack" after just a few minutes "smack" of watching "smack".

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Movements Matter For Women

I am reposting this comment that I received because I believe the message is a powerful one that some of these people who are so interested in legislating vaginal ultrasounds, and whether women are ladylike, and who somehow come to realize - after being told they need to - at the advanced age of 65 that women are also qualified for jobs in their administration, who say the person hiring has the right to decide its okay to pay women less than men for doing the same work, may want to think about - to those people I say what my mother often said to us kids growing up - A word to the wise is sufficient......

Movements Matter For Women

As a woman in America at the age of 58 whoever is inviting me to go backwards in America simply defies logic and just plain makes no sense at all. 

Brown v. Board of Education allowed me to attend kindergarten wherever my parents lived. Women having the vote allows me to have a voice in who is governing me and the country. Civil rights battles of the 60’s and 70’s allowed me to freely enjoy a rich and rewarding career and a few good jobs to help care for my family. I could go on but you get the idea.

To those voices that would take us back to the days when women stood quietly in the background, hands primly clasped in our laps, leaving the talking and deciding to men, I say this loudly and clearly - Stop talking.  Right this very minute.  About any foreign matter at all. Just stop it! For just a rare minute, return to the United States of America and the nearly 150 million women in this country and listen carefully. 

If anyone wants to take our young men and women into yet another war, the women of this country have something to say. If anyone wants to limit our rights, the women of this country have something to say. If for some reason anyone believes that paying women less than a man for the same work will sit well with the young women who follow us, forget it! The village elders clearly say Absolutely No Way. And, just in case anyone believes that jobs and the economy are going to trump the healthcare and social gains that women have made in the last 58 years, take heed - we have no intention of letting that happen.

Men in this country would do well to find a few women to speak for them right now or they are going to see a swell of resentment just before we enter the polling booths. Movements in America really do matter. Martin Luther King, a man, was fabulous at this kind of outrage. The "just can’t take any more of the nonsense" kind. 

Women in America matter. Let’s unpack just how much 150 million United States of America women matter.  

Movements matter for Women in America,

Sandra K. Davis

Friday, August 24, 2012

Romney's a Joke

While campaigning in Michigan today, Mitt Romney jokingly said nobody ever asked him for his birth certificate.   

OK, here's the deal. If this was just a "joke", I guess I don't see the humor. Let's see, its funny to joke that, unlike the president, as a part of the privileged mainstream (read white) community, no one ever presumed to question his status as an American, it's just taken for granted, right??

Well that's hilarious alright!

Take a look for yourself: Romney's Joke

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Paul Ryan defended stimulus in 2002, when George W. Bush wanted it

VIDEO: Paul Ryan defended stimulus in 2002, when George W. Bush wanted it

This Is What We're Dealing With Folks

C-Span caller complains there are too many black people calling in...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Swift Boating is Back

Regarding the unbelievable attempt to "Swift Boat" the president. A group of partisan former military types, who are sharing their office with Republican operatives, launched this ugly campaign that a) accuses the president of trading on the killing Bin Laden and, b) claims the president did not kill Bin Laden, they did. There are a few facts these gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) conveniently left out.

First, President Obama has every right to say meeting his clearly stated objective to find Bin Laden and kill him is one of his signature accomplishments. It most assuredly is. Also, let’s remember who that despicable character was. He ruthlessly and without compassion killed thousands of defenseless Americans. Bush gave up looking for him, Obama did not. He found him and killed him. Those victims and the people that loved them deserved no less. Furthermore, they do not deserve to be used in this heartless manner against the president for political gain.

Second, and more importantly, to their allegation that the president did not kill Bin Laden, the president indeed did kill Bin Laden. The Navy Seal team was his weapon of choice. Anyone who doubts that has but to explain how the Seal team would have accomplished this feat without the impetus and authorization of the president. To say that the president is not responsible for killing Bin Laden is like saying Bin Laden was not responsible for killing all those defenseless Americans.

We can all thank Karl Rove and his ilk for using these tactics so effectively in the past that have emboldened these people to emulate him by abandoning principal, morality, honor and integrity upon the altar of political animus, political gain.

To the former Navy Seals involved, et tu, Brute??!!