Thursday, November 17, 2005

Who Let the Dog Out? Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof!

I see the bush administration's trained rottweiler, dick cheney, was brought out to chomp on the leg of critics of the war in Iraq. Same old tactics here. And really, there's nobody better at snarling and chomping than dickie boy.

Remember? He is the one who thinks it's okay to use profanity in the halls of Congress. Who can forget his memorable rejoinder "Go f___ yourself"?

Anyway, he came out snapping and spewing at a GOP gala Wednesday night (11/16). Good idea; if you have no strategy you can point to, you can always bring out the rottweiler to snarl and spit and spew vitriol. Maybe if you're really lucky, people won't notice that you haven't actually answered the charges, because you can't, and just maybe they'll keep on buying those cheap tricks like they did during the campaign.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

How The Mighty Have Fallen

I'm really sad about Bob Woodward. He was a heroic icon from my youth. Turns out he hasn't been telling us the whole story in more recent times. Now, he says his job is keeping secrets. Really? Could have fooled me. The uninformed among us might think that his job actually is telling the American public the whole story, the truth. I count myself among them. Silly me.

Way back when, he sort of acted like he also thought his job was making sure we consumers of his craft got the unobscured truth. Isn't that what Watergate was all about....highly placed people in government thinking they could act in secret and these two young, wonder-journalists not letting them get away with that???

Woodward has certainly come a long way from those days. He's actually part of the establishment now, maybe he even believes his own press releases, the ones saying what a geat and powerful journalist he is.


You gotta check out Joe Conason's article in on the subject of Woodward. To read the article click on the title below. FYI, to read the article you have to watch a commercial first.
Woodward's Disgrace

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Republicans have a Lott to worry about

So, events are becoming very interesting in our nation’s capitol…again….still. Here's Senator Bill Frist busily composing yet another indignant response to perceived Democrat perfidy. Frist is in a snit this time because of the leak to the Washington Post about the purported use of "black site" torture prisons in Europe and elsewhere by the CIA for "special" interrogation procedures. Senator Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, two very upstanding representatives of our government, were in the midst of composing a letter of complaint hinting at Democrat dirty tricks and calling, from atop their high horse, for an investigation into the leaks, when Senator Trent Lott stepped on their line and blabbed that the leak probably came from a Republican senator.


The boys had to beat a hasty retreat to the strategy room to plan their next move. They eventually did send the letter calling for an investigation, but their rhetoric was ratcheted down considerably and the whole stunt came off as a rather embarrassing flop.

The word “botched” comes to mind……..

If you’re interested in reading more about this click below:
Another Leak Probe?
Bungling Meant Leak Letter Leaked.

Or if you just want to write and compliment them on their smooth handling of this situation here's their contact info:

Frist, Bill- (R - TN)
(202) 224-3344
Web Form:

Dennis Hastert (R- IL)
DC Office:
235 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-2976
Fax (202) 225-0697
Web Form: