Sunday, September 28, 2008

I read an article in the September 27 online edition of Time magazine called In Search of Sarah Palin. The writer, Nancy Gibbs, mentioned how she missed the "spirited, sparkling character" of Sarah Palin. Once again I was struck with the willingness of so many presumably smart people, including some in the media, to attribute her performance at the Republican Convention to some ability on her part. Gullible, gullible, gullible.

I mean, okay, so she can deliver lines with sparkle and spirit, but only so long as they are crafted by others with experience and expertise in these matters. Need proof? One need only look at her sorry performance in the few unscripted interviews she’s done to see the real Governor Palin, someone who is flat-footed and embarrassingly inept on her own, when she has no pretty, clever words prepared ahead of time for her to deliver with just the right amount of sassiness.

What is the matter with these so called intelligent people?!!! Don't they get it? She's just Charlie McCarthy in drag! Sure Charlie was bright and witty, but only because Edgar Bergen kept his hand up his back and said the words for him. Otherwise Charlie was just a dummy.

You can read the article here if you're interested.

Breaking News.....Breaking News.....Breaking News.....
This just in, apparently someone screwed up and let Sarah out without her keepers. Sadly, on her way to pick up a couple of cheesesteaks at a local Philadelphia eatery, she happened upon a man reportedly wearing a Temple University t-shirt who gave his name as Michael Rovito. Rovito asked her if she thought America should “cross the border from Afghanistan to Pakistan” to pursue terrorists. Her response? In the presence of the media who happily took it all down, she replied, “If that’s what we have to do stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely, we should”.

Somehow, I don’t think she watched the whole debate Friday night. I think she missed the part where McCain said “You don’t say that out loud”. It’s all detailed at the September 27 online CBS edition of From the Road by Scott Conroy. Read more about this here.

Finally, in one of those unscripted interviews, the good governor was asked how she reacted when she got the offer to be McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate. She said she didn’t hesitate, that you can’t blink. When I saw that and everytime I’ve thought of her since, I am reminded of the great philosopher, Dirty Harry, whom I paraphrase here. A woman’s got to know her limitations.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How Low Can You Go...And We're Not Talking About Limbo.

I used to kind of like John McCain. He seemed so likable and he had this self-deprecating way that was disarming. He didn't seem like a scheming politician at all. Some part of me is still angered over the vile campaign tactics used by george bush to defeat McCain in 2000. But this McCain we see campaigning today is actually channeling george bush, even as he refuses to utter the damnable name of Bush. Thanks to his Rove-trained campaign advisers, he has sunk to a low that I would not have imagined. It's just disgusting.

Now, even some in the media are squirming over the sleaze offensive. Joe Klein, no less, is finally crying foul. Check out Joe's column here. It's well worth the read.