So much has been said about Hillary Clinton's victory tonight in New Hampshire, I don't think there is anything I can add that hasn't already been said, and likely much better. It was just in time and has given her supporters a sorely needed shot-in-the arm. I am heartfully pleased for her and also a little more hopeful because I think she has such ability and, yes, even gravitas, I think she would make a great president.
Having said that, for some reason I feel moved to write about something else, because I have been troubled by what has been happening to Hillary, about the hyper-critical atmosphere surrounding her. So many people in the so-called "legitimate media" just excoriate her for the same thing they blow off in the other candidates. When has any presidential candidate ever been dinged for looking old and tired - complete with an unflattering picture - although it is quite true that many other presidential candidates (men) most assuredly have looked both old and tired? And, who has been subject to criticism for their laugh? The smart guys were calling it a "cackle" and discounting the image of a crone that word inevitable conjures up. When Hillary talks, she is characterized as trying to manipulate while other candidates who often are saying the same sort of thing are cast as being resolute.
Certainly some people stand out for the particularly harsh, judgemental negative way in which they have covered her campaign. I am of course thinking of Chris Matthews. He consistently finds a sinister meaning to every move she makes, every word she utters. If you watch his show, "Hardball" you can see for yourself. Watch the words that he uses in reference to her as opposed to others. Its totally clear to me that he holds her in contempt and is using his "lofty" position as a media analyst to lob bombs at her and hopefully ruin her campaign. Watch him, see if he talks about anyone the way he talks about her. See for yourself.
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