Am I the only one struck by the irony implicit in so many right wingers wrapping themselves in the flag, using the troops as their own sort of personal beaning bat to beat up on anyone who dared come between them and their beloved war? Think about it. Anyone who says its time to end the war is not "supporting the troops". Anyone who complains about the poor prosecution of the war, is "demoralizing the troops" and so on. To listen to them, one would think that they are very concerned about the welfare of our troops, right?
Yet, when one compares the right wing rhetoric with their actions, there is a bit of a disconnect. Those same folks who pay so much lip service to supporting our troops sit quietly by while our troops are allowed to go to war with unarmored Humvees and inadequate body armor. They lose not a moment of sleep even as they ignore the reality that few, if any, of the troops are supplied with helmet liners that are known to prevent the concussive brain injuries that have proven so damaging to the mental functioning of those with these injuries. Click on this link for more information about helmet liners Operation Helmet
Now we learn that for a least the past two years, our brave war injured have been living in squalid conditions while undergoing outpatient treatment at Walter Reed. For more details see Dana Priest's Washington Post article here Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army's Top Medical Facility (free subscription required). These past two plus years, the soldiers' complaints about the conditions have been minimized, or worse yet, ignored until Ms Priest's series blew the lid off the scandal.
Appalling. Wake up America! Use your brains and figure out who really supports the troops.
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