Alberto Gonzales, The Best and the Brightest??
What an appalling spectacle! This poor excuse for a lawyer, and worse, for a person who, however inexplicably, managed to pass law school and the bar exam, is so patently incompetent, there simply are no words.
I mean just look at his performance. When asked how he could justify asking then Attorney General Ashcroft to sign a legal document while he was ill and under the influence of mind altering medications, precipitating a frantic call from Ashcroft's wife to acting Attorney General Jim Comey when she heard Gonzales et al were en route, all he could say was that there is nothing in the rules that prohibits doing so and Ashcroft could always have said no.
Or how about his testimony in support of his previous claim that there was no dissension over the Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP) despite reports of threats of mass resignations in the Justice Department. The real reason for the raid on Ashcroft's hospital room, alleged Gonzales, was not the TSP, but another secret program. Said he, the visit was made at the urging of the so-called Gang of Eight after an emergency meeting, because of concern about this other secret program expiring that night. Only, some of the Gang of Eight have already come out with denials of Gonzales' version, saying that discussion did not happen, the only matter discussed was the TSP. Oh, and by the way, back then the Justice Department sent a document to then House Speaker Dennis Hastert documenting that the matter discussed at the meeting was the TSP. It is, in fact, still in the Speaker’s records. So...nobody as yet recalls this other secret program including the folks at the meeting where it was supposedly discussed, and documents produced at the time identified the subject as the TSP. Hummmhhh...kind of sounds like a bald faced lie, don't you think?
Obviously george bush and his rottweiler cheney believe they can do whatever they damn well please, and keeping this incompetent nincompoop, who can't get his lies straight, pleases them for the moment. If only Congress had the balls to actually take action to restore some of the balance of power and give this guy the boot.
Ah well, I can dream can't I?