Monday, July 04, 2005

Karl Rove is Deep Throat?

Well isn't this just an interesting kettle of fish? The bush meister of dirty tricks, Karl Rove, the man with his hand clearly visible in back of bush's jacket pulling the strings, is allegedly a source in the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame. In case you don't remember this one, the ascertion that Iraq was buying weapons grade uranium from Niger was an important piece in the buildup to war with Iraq. Plame's husband, former ambassador (and White House critic) Joseph Wilson, was assigned to investigate these reports. He reported finding no evidence to support those allegations. Shortly after his findings were released, his wife was publicly named as a CIA agent, putting her personal safety at risk.

Now it seems likely that Karl Rove played a role in this sordid situation. I want to have the "shaking my head, asking how this could happen" moment until I remember that old worn out truism, "Absolute power corrupts, absolutely". And, there is no question in my mind that the bush acolytes have absolute power.

This culture of unquestioning acceptance by our Stepford nation of people, who allow their emotions to be inflammed by broad-brush rhetoric, who allow their opinions to be easily manipulated, who can't be bothered to take to time to find out information both pro and con before making a decision, who let themselves off the hook because they don't have time to inform themselves, this culture borne of all these may just wake up one day to find that we have conspired to bring about our own undoing.

Anyway, I see this nation's looking the other way when all these dirty tricks are played as tacit approval of the tactics. Karl Rove has been in the cat-bird's seat all this time because he is willing to play the dirty tricks and bush is willing to let him. Is winning by cheating really the American Way????

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