I'm a 60 something baby boomer. I am a mother and a grandmother. Thought I'd try blogging. I thought it would be a nice alternative to walking around my house talking to myself out loud, arms waving. Feel free to join in on the discussion. You don't really have to agree, you only need to be civil. Ah yes, civil discourse, an archaic concept wherein there is an open exchange of differing viewpoints on issues rather than on the proponents of those views. And so I go boldly on.....
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Liberty vs Security
And if we dare speak against this blatant usurpation on the part of bush and his advisors, then we are giving aide and succor to the enemy. Neat. Question their right to tap your phone without a court order, or to torture detainees or to lock people away in Guantanamo even when they are found to be innocent of any crime and they run to that nice shield to hide behind. Helping the enemy, helping the enemy, 9/11, 9/11, mushroom cloud, mushroom cloud. Neat.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Who Let the Dog Out? Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof!
Remember? He is the one who thinks it's okay to use profanity in the halls of Congress. Who can forget his memorable rejoinder "Go f___ yourself"?
Anyway, he came out snapping and spewing at a GOP gala Wednesday night (11/16). Good idea; if you have no strategy you can point to, you can always bring out the rottweiler to snarl and spit and spew vitriol. Maybe if you're really lucky, people won't notice that you haven't actually answered the charges, because you can't, and just maybe they'll keep on buying those cheap tricks like they did during the campaign.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
How The Mighty Have Fallen
Way back when, he sort of acted like he also thought his job was making sure we consumers of his craft got the unobscured truth. Isn't that what Watergate was all about....highly placed people in government thinking they could act in secret and these two young, wonder-journalists not letting them get away with that???
Woodward has certainly come a long way from those days. He's actually part of the establishment now, maybe he even believes his own press releases, the ones saying what a geat and powerful journalist he is.
You gotta check out Joe Conason's article in Salon.com on the subject of Woodward. To read the article click on the title below. FYI, to read the article you have to watch a commercial first.
Woodward's Disgrace
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Republicans have a Lott to worry about
So, events are becoming very interesting in our nation’s capitol…again….still. Here's Senator Bill Frist busily composing yet another indignant response to perceived Democrat perfidy. Frist is in a snit this time because of the leak to the Washington Post about the purported use of "black site" torture prisons in
The boys had to beat a hasty retreat to the strategy room to plan their next move. They eventually did send the letter calling for an investigation, but their rhetoric was ratcheted down considerably and the whole stunt came off as a rather embarrassing flop.
The word “botched” comes to mind……..
If you’re interested in reading more about this click below:
Another Leak Probe?
Bungling Meant Leak Letter Leaked.
Or if you just want to write and compliment them on their smooth handling of this situation here's their contact info:
Frist, Bill- (R - TN)
(202) 224-3344
Web Form: frist.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=AboutSenatorFrist.ContactForm
DC Office:
235 Cannon House Office Building
Phone (202) 225-2976
Fax (202) 225-0697
Web Form: http://www.house.gov/hastert/write1.shtml
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Strange Bedfellows
I mean, think about all the chit-chat calls going back and forth between Scooter and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, et al and the media the summer of 2003 that were mentioned in the Fitzgerald news conference. Casual conversations where information is subtlely passed, complete with spin, to the media who either leave out or downplay "inconvenient" information or dutifully publish favorable information, attributing it to "high placed officials" in the administration.
Is this why there was no questioning of the rationale for going to war with Iraq by the usually skeptical media? Because they were cozying up to the administration with these myriad chats "on background"?
So much for probing journalism.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Having read the article I couldn't stop myself from asking, did they really say that on the record? And did the American public really hear this? Can this be okay with the American public?
Here's a little snippet from the article. The writer is meeting with a senior advisor to bush:
The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''
Hubris......If you want to read the article, click on the title below. Its from the October 17, 2004 issue of the New York Times Magazine. The article is written by Ron Suskind:
Without a Doubt
Monday, September 12, 2005
Looks Like We Got What We Conspired to Get....And We Don't Like It!
We let him back in, we let him put unqualified people in these jobs and watched while the experienced veterans of these agencies have been leaving wholesale, leaving the political hacks in charge. Now the glaring inadequacies of just one of these political appointees is exposed in the face of the most catastrophic natural disaster in our history. There are others. They are quietly gutting agencies that are supposed to protect and keep us safe.
This was the administration that got into office because it convinced an audience willing to abdicate its responsibility to think for itself in favor of a falling for a cheap play on the emotions of a frightened nation, this man managed to convince the voting public that he could protect us better than "the other side". Now we're angry because the government did such a poor job of protecting and rescuing victims in this disaster. But we didn't really ask anything of him, did we? We took what he said at face value and didn't bother to check the facts. When its all said and done, We have only ourselves to blame.
For more details about these political appointments, read these articles (Some require subscription):
All the President's Friends New York Times
Leaders Lacking Disaster Experience - The Washington Post
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Catastrophe in New Orleans
And, by the way, why are the people "refugees" and not "victims"? These people need our help, let's everyone please do all we can to support these hurricane victims. Send money, clothes and food. There are also requests for anyone willing to open up their homes. Do what you can, okay.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Them Bums!!!
Why do we (American lemmings) continue to believe this person whom we have again and again learned plays it fast and loose with the truth? This person who finds it unnecessary to heed facts that don't fit into his plans, or to even make any attempt at fact checking, a man who relies instead on his gut to make decisions, a man who, based on his gut, made decisions that have resulted in nearly 2,000 American deaths and still counting some 2 years later.
This is a man who has the effrontery to speak the untruth as though it were fact. And still we go on believing him despite knowing his previous statements which were issued as fact, which were spoken with heartfelt fervor and conviction have, in fact, been proven to be just plain wrong.
This person, and his gang of brutes have the philosophy that if you say it, it becomes true (even if it isn't) and we mindless sheep let them speak their version of the "facts" to and for us virtually without challenge. We don't question them, we give up our young for them, we gullibly swallow each successive distortion. Their behavior demonstrates blatant contempt for us.
Maybe this man and his gang of liars are right.......
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Had the grandkids for a week!
While they were with me I was reminded yet again how wonderful it is to look into those eyes that are filled with such wonder at things we adults consider mundane. I was also reminded how right if feels to have the house again filled with the sound of children's laughter and the endless questions that a 6 year old can think up. The boys are like frisky puppies, playing and tumbling all over each other at play, and my littlest is a girl in every sense of the word; all princess and pretty.
The house is turned upside down, but I wouldn't trade a minute of the past week for a "neat and orderly" empty house. Of course it was not all fun and games, I found myself calling on my old skills of deciding when to referee and when to send them back to settle some grievance for themselves, playing drill sargeant when it was time to clean up, and kissing the inevitable boo-boos.
Now I'm gonna go back to work so I can get some rest, but I'll be thinking about my week with the kids and remembering how priviledged I am to have these little people in my life. They really do bring a joy and peace that puts everything else in perspective.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
The Great American Intellect
You realize, of course, this outing incident did not occur in a vacuum. It's been speculated that Rove was feeling a bit peevish because Wilson had not joined lockstep with the rest of the lemmings in bush administration, whose main function was to rubberstamp all the claims by the bushies to support their decision to go to war. Rove may possibly have felt that Wilson needed to be taken down. At any rate, it was at this point that Karl Rove, on deep background, made his comment to Matt Cooper of Time Magazine. He also sneered to MSNBC's Chris Matthews that Wilson's wife was "fair game".
Rove, as those of us who are aware of his past track record know, has a nasty little habit of expertly using character assassination to demolish those who stand in his way. If you're interested, look into his tactics against political opponents in Texas like Ann Richards, or in Georgia like Max Cleland.
Take a moment, if you will, to consider Rove's work on
Cleland, described in this quote from GNN School of Rove, by Liam Scheff http://gnn.tv/articles/951/School_of_Rove:
"When ... Senator Cleland was up for re-election, the Republicans ran an ad on television that showed Max Cleland – a veteran who left three limbs in Vietnam, an American hero, who’s spent every day of his adult life in service to his country – on the same screen with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein – and said that Cleland voted to stop the Homeland Security bill."
Given the gaping holes in the premis of the ads, this would have been a good time for the much vaunted American intellect, at least the Georgia branch, to show up. Sadly, it did not, and Cleland was defeated, in large part due to these ads which succeeded in convincing Georgia voters that Cleland was no better than Saddam and bin Laden.
It will be interesting, if not necessarily uplifting, to see if that intellect is anywhere around for this whopper. Or maybe we'll just get the beer guzzling, Jerry Springer watching, reality television loving, gullible, brain-on-hold-so-play-to-my-biases-so-I-don't-have-to-think-for-myself kind that seems to be taking over in our country.
The American intellect.....unh-huh.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Karl Rove is Deep Throat?
Now it seems likely that Karl Rove played a role in this sordid situation. I want to have the "shaking my head, asking how this could happen" moment until I remember that old worn out truism, "Absolute power corrupts, absolutely". And, there is no question in my mind that the bush acolytes have absolute power.
This culture of unquestioning acceptance by our Stepford nation of people, who allow their emotions to be inflammed by broad-brush rhetoric, who allow their opinions to be easily manipulated, who can't be bothered to take to time to find out information both pro and con before making a decision, who let themselves off the hook because they don't have time to inform themselves, this culture borne of all these may just wake up one day to find that we have conspired to bring about our own undoing.
Anyway, I see this nation's looking the other way when all these dirty tricks are played as tacit approval of the tactics. Karl Rove has been in the cat-bird's seat all this time because he is willing to play the dirty tricks and bush is willing to let him. Is winning by cheating really the American Way????
Thursday, June 16, 2005
This is what Dr. Frist said then:
The Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, defended himself on Thursday, a day after an autopsy report showed that she had suffered irreversible brain damage.
"People said: 'Bill Frist, you're making a diagnosis. Doctor, you're trying to wear your white coat on the floor of the Senate,' " said Dr. Frist, a heart-lung transplant surgeon. "I never made a diagnosis. I wouldn't even attempt to make a diagnosis from a videotape."(New York Times, June 16 05)
Sunday, June 12, 2005
My Trip to Rome
The weather was warm, the people were great. Everyone spoke English, except one taxi driver, and I think I was kind of glad he didn't - at least he got us back to the hotel intact.
We liked the tours, they allowed us to see and hear the history of many of the famed sites in Rome. The Roman Forum we were told dates back to 79 AD. We walked through all the areas you see in the pictures posted. Our tour guide spoke to us via those radios you may have noticed hanging from our necks. We had earbuds so we could hear her. She walked around with a little orange flag so we could easily find her in a crowd. There wasn't much time for dawdling on the tours and if any of us lagged behind we were treated to a public announcement that we were lost and to please report back to the tour guide. Each evening we returned to our hotel and fell into bed, exhausted but happy.
On the On-our-own days we explored the shops in the Piazza del Popolo. All of the Italian couturiers were there - Prada, Armani, Ferragamo, Gucci, you name it. Sandy bought a bag and I bought a pair of shoes - from Italy, yet! We also had dinner in one of the charming little restaurants with outdoor seating that are all over that area. We spent the last day at the Rome Hilton. Boy, I see what I have been missing at the Ramada Inn!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Welcome To My Blog
What is the deal with liberals, anyway? They have decided it's no longer politic to use the term "liberal" so they call themselves "progressives" not to be confused with the dreaded L word. Hmmmhh..... so who's not going to know that's the same thing, except maybe it's the chicken version? Personally, I think liberal is a perfectly fine characterization, and will be sticking with that one to refer to myself. All you "progressives" out there, to paraphrase James Brown, say it loud, I'm Liberal and Im proud! That's me for today.