feel a little ill after watching the latest update on the injuries Freddie Gray sustained on that fateful day.If you get a chance you ought to check out the reporting done by Jayne Miller, at WBAL TV in Baltimore. She has been up front about her information conflicting with what the police have been saying.
Here's what she has uncovered. Gray was placed in the back of the police van in metal handcuffs and leg irons. For unknown reasons he was not seat-belted in. From her investigation, Miller says during the ride, Gray was tossed about for ten minutes in that van, in shackles, unable to protect himself, unable to hold himself steady. It was during that time the medical experts she spoke to believe what happened is the van stopped abruptly, flinging his head back against a part of the van where there was a large bolt. (That bolt is the same shape as a wound on that part of Gray"s head.)
The van continued on for another 20 minutes or so, Miller interviewed the other prisoner in the van at the time who said he heard a few brief soft knocking sounds, then there was silence for the rest of the ride.
How horrid to think, he was put in that van, cuffed and chained, tossed about, helpless, unable to protect himself, and then to left to lie in the van gravely injured for 20 minutes more before getting medical attention. There was no desperate attempt to get emergency medical care until it was way too late. Unimaginable, just awful. Check it out.