The Stimulus Package
The House vote on the stimulus package was held yesterday and, despite the president's efforts, the house Republicans opted to stay with the party gameplan of 100% 'no' votes on the package. I've heard a couple of conflicting characterizations of this scenario. One is this is a gimmee for the Republicans. The plan still passed and they get to build support among their supporters at home. The other view is that the president has maneuvered the Repubs into taking this stand and, given his popularity among voters, leverage that support to be sure the Repubs' actions in this are highlighted to their detriment. They both could be true. It remains to be seen which will be most true. My money's on Obama.
"Dick" Armey
Watched an interesting segment on Hardball with Chris Matthews with guests Joan Walsh and Dick Armey. Dick Armey resorted to some pretty interesting rhetoric to debate Joan, really on a personal level, sort of ad hominem attack. Joan handled the incident with dignity, though I kind of wish she had cut his nuts off, metaphorically speaking. Neither Mr. Armey nor his wife came off well. You really have to see it. Mr. Armey's comment comes at 9:42 in the following video. Check it out