I'm a 60 something baby boomer. I am a mother and a grandmother. Thought I'd try blogging. I thought it would be a nice alternative to walking around my house talking to myself out loud, arms waving. Feel free to join in on the discussion. You don't really have to agree, you only need to be civil. Ah yes, civil discourse, an archaic concept wherein there is an open exchange of differing viewpoints on issues rather than on the proponents of those views. And so I go boldly on.....
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sanctimonious Hypocrites
I see the party of "Do as I say and not as I do" has struck again! These matters of infidelity are so complicated and yet these hypocrites only see it that way when it involves them, which it astoundingly and amazingly does on a regular basis. It was just recently John Ensign and now, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. He cried in the news conference announcing the affair and all I can think about is Jimmy Swaggert. Those crocodile tears are due not to the fact that he regrets that he strayed so much as the fact that he regrets getting caught.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I am so done!!!

I just can't take one more minute of this.
The accumulated chorus of blatherers has finally gotten to me. I am referring to the folks in the media who announced they were going to hold President Obama's feet to the fire (is this by way of atoning for their failure to do that with george bush?). Also the so-called news "analysts" (read "paid hacks"), on both side of the political spectrum, and the assortment of invited guests who happily peddle their comments apparently with the goal of forwarding their political objectives, not informing. Not to mention cable news that "loves conflict". They are all weighing in on every Obama action in microscopic detail.
I am perhaps confused but I thought it was the responsibility of the news media to ferret out the facts, to clarify issues for the public, not gin them up with an eye towards heightening the conflict angle.
Every one of them thinks they know what action President Obama should take on each and every issue and what decision is to be made better than he and they presume to tell him, and us in endless detail. And, perhaps most annoying, like 2 year olds, they insist on asking if what the president has done thus far is working, practically every minute of the day, all day long.
I happen to think that our president is doing very well with all the mess he has to deal with. Not perfect, but head and shoulders above what we had before. He is a very smart man. And, unlike his predecessor, he has the intellect, the will, and the ability to deal with the many problems facing this country.
This is just such an ugly part of our political culture. I am going to step away from the media until they get over their obsession with Mr. Obama. Usually they have such a short attention span. I find all the prattling and preening that passes for analysis, and the ceaseless din of the spinning beyond my endurance. So, I'm done. To all those in the chattering class I say..Analyze This!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Let's Hear it for Politics!
I have an idea. Let's look at some of those holier than thou Republican's tax records and while we're at it let's check the tax records of the media people.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sorry State of Affairs

The Stimulus Package
The House vote on the stimulus package was held yesterday and, despite the president's efforts, the house Republicans opted to stay with the party gameplan of 100% 'no' votes on the package. I've heard a couple of conflicting characterizations of this scenario. One is this is a gimmee for the Republicans. The plan still passed and they get to build support among their supporters at home. The other view is that the president has maneuvered the Repubs into taking this stand and, given his popularity among voters, leverage that support to be sure the Repubs' actions in this are highlighted to their detriment. They both could be true. It remains to be seen which will be most true. My money's on Obama.
"Dick" Armey
Watched an interesting segment on Hardball with Chris Matthews with guests Joan Walsh and Dick Armey. Dick Armey resorted to some pretty interesting rhetoric to debate Joan, really on a personal level, sort of ad hominem attack. Joan handled the incident with dignity, though I kind of wish she had cut his nuts off, metaphorically speaking. Neither Mr. Armey nor his wife came off well. You really have to see it. Mr. Armey's comment comes at 9:42 in the following video. Check it out
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dawn of New Era

Now, I watch this newly minted president and I'm filled with hope and wonder.
And, george bush left town for Texas. What an awful, limited man! Good riddance!
So, I'm back. Look for more from me in the near future.
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