So much has happened since my last post. Where to start??? Gonzales? The "surge"? How about the Democratic majority that thus far has been stymied by this Svengali? Through it all I am overwhelmed with my dismay with the American public, which now seems to be aware that something is rotten in Denmark, but still is willing to believe anything bush and his cronies say without requiring substantiation. They are still awed by the office and give him the benefit of the doubt because they don't want to believe the president would lie.
It is startlingly clear to any who would look, that bush and his cronies have lied and manipulated over and over again. Worse, the media, or as I like to call them, the steno pool, until recently has dutifully recorded all the crafted versions of the facts coming out of the administration with nary a challenge, nor even a clarification. Although they regularly characterized what Clinton said while in office, usually in terms of "what he's really saying here is....", the media has been glaringly absent on such analysis of bush, cheney or rove speak. In my darker musings, I have pondered whether the media types have been in bed with the bush folks.
The problem with this is the so called "smart" American public is way too preoccupied with American Idol and Anna Nicole to inform themselves on something so unrelated to their daily lives as the activities of politicians. They are content to allow themselves to be played, to be pandered to, to be manipulated by savvy pols who know just what to say to scare the public into submission. And the compliant media has been the perfect conduit for spreading the propaganda.
I can't help but wonder where we would be if the people and the media made them back up their assertions, no longer accepting the blanket statements just because they came from the president or one of his flunkies. Until that happens, there is really no reason for them to do anything different because what they are doing works. Whenever the public seems to be wondering off the reservation, just say "9/11", "al Kaeda", and "Osama" a couple of times, mention how we're doing this over there so we don't have to do it here, and we all dutifully fall in line.
"Oh judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts. And men have lost their reason."