Ted Haggard, President
National Assoc. of Evangelicals and Advisor to President Bush
Or as Tom Friedman asked "Just how stupid do they think we are?" As I think about Ted Haggard and his dual life - one part evangelical icon, one part meth user, closet gay man - I am reminded yet again of my weariness of these folks who, from atop their high moral ground, presume to tell the rest of us how to live our lives.
Are you as tired of the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou prattling of the truly saved? Are you weary, as I am, of the religious right and it's many proclamations of moral superiority over the great unwashed (those of us who don't wear our religious beliefs on our shirt sleeves) only to find, yet again, it comes down to "Do as I say do, not as I do"??? (Or put another way, the rules don't really apply to them.)
There is a word for that....It's HYPOCRISY. When all is said and done, they - and we - would be better off if they just concentrated on how they can live a moral and righteous life, leave off the smug, pompous, pious preaching, and leave us to seek our own religious and moral compass.
For more information, read this article from Newsweek: Morality Tale: A Pastor's Fall From Grace