Sunday, November 05, 2006

Have we had enough of the hypocrisy yet?

Ted Haggard, President
National Assoc. of Evangelicals and Advisor to President Bush

Or as Tom Friedman asked "Just how stupid do they think we are?" As I think about Ted Haggard and his dual life - one part evangelical icon, one part meth user, closet gay man - I am reminded yet again of my weariness of these folks who, from atop their high moral ground, presume to tell the rest of us how to live our lives.

Are you as tired of the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou prattling of the truly saved? Are you weary, as I am, of the religious right and it's many proclamations of moral superiority over the great unwashed (those of us who don't wear our religious beliefs on our shirt sleeves) only to find, yet again, it comes down to "Do as I say do, not as I do"??? (Or put another way, the rules don't really apply to them.)

There is a word for that....It's HYPOCRISY. When all is said and done, they - and we - would be better off if they just concentrated on how they can live a moral and righteous life, leave off the smug, pompous, pious preaching, and leave us to seek our own religious and moral compass.


For more information, read this article from Newsweek: Morality Tale: A Pastor's Fall From Grace

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fingernails on the Chalkboard

Why is it that the man who is arguably the most powerful man in the world - when dickie lets him anyway - is unable to pronounce a simple word that he chooses to use a lot??? It's pronounced new-clear, genius!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Why Do We Keep Listening to These People???

It's so obvious they are trying to manipulate us by scaring us into compliance with their world view. Such a cynical tactic, because it seems as if they are saying "We'll just play to their fears and they will fall in line behind us just like always". Anyway, thought you might find a different take on their line of bull interesting. Take a look at these articles and decide for yourself. They give new context to the comparisons made by the posse members during a media blitz last week.

The True Iraq Appeasers by Peter Galbraith , The Boston Globe.
Iraq-Nazi Analogy Tough to Swallow by Steve Chapman, The Baltimore Sun.
Oh, and by the way, the photo is of Rumsfeld with the guy he characterized as a latter day Hitler.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Press Conference

Thank you, Fred Kaplan, for putting into words what the fawning (or is it the cowardly?) mainstream media folks failed to address in their coverage. You must read this. Here's the link. What a Moronic Presidential Press Conference!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Okay so I haven't blogged much lately

But, I had my reasons. Pretty much I guess it could be chalked up to my dismay with being outnumbered by the gullible ones in the majority.

And, I have also been very busy lately, too. I practically have a whole new life, and am still wrestling with organizing my time with the new stuff.

Haven't changed my mind about georgie and his henchpeople.....still can't stand them, still don't trust and, thanks to their astoundingly incompetent bungling coupled with their completely misplaced arrogance, they are the last people who should be charged with keeping us safe!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

This is our protector?

I just can't believe the incompetence and arrogance of this man...the worst possible combination for a president. He supports this unbelievable deal to allow a United Arab Emirates company to operate ports in some of our largest cities. He is going to use his first veto since he took office to block any effort to suspend the deal. Oh, and by the way, he didn't know about the deal until after the fact. He's gonna keep us safe?? Right!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

george The Incompetent

You’ve got to check out this article from the Washington Post. It presents a compelling case on the performance of our president. It's titled "Bush the Incompetent".

For a while now I have been saddened and disappointed in our American public's complacent attitude as this man mischaracterizes, stonewalls, makes end runs around the constitution and mired us in this oh-so-poorly conducted "war". Even after disaster upon disaster happens in Iraq, as the toll on our young men and women continues to grow, we sit around and shrug and say to ourselves "Oh well, however unpleasant, there just isn't an alternative".

And, when the pitifully small percentage of media people who work up the cajones (little shriveled ones) timidly question his statements, the ethics issues that still threaten to overrun his presidency, the debacle after Katrina, the prescription drug plan (the infamous Medicare Part D) that debuted to near catastrophic results on the elderly sick, the stonewalling and all the rest, he knows that he has but to bring out his old reliable "national security" umbrella, and all the worrisome troublemakers go away.

When you really think about it, most people just don't have the time to look into these things on their own, what with the demands of work and family. So they have to evaluate bush based on little or no factual information. They're so busy living their lives, they won't notice the damage being done until the effect shows up on their doorsteps. Of course by then it may be too late.........

If you can find the time, read the article. Here's the link:
Bush the Incompetent

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Abramoff Ticking Bomb......

You all know who Jack Abramoff is, right? He's the connected superlobbyist who laid out scads of money and other goodies to the powerful and near powerful in congress in return for certain political favors. Anyway, Jackie boy got caught with his hand in the till, so to speak, and now he is having to pay the piper. He has made a plea deal in which he has reportedly agreed to give up some of his congressional friends who have so often shown their gratitude for his patronage over the past several years. As yet unnamed, these scoundrels must be feeling the heat of impending doom.

In a show of bravura, there's been a slew of denials from the likes of Tom Delay, Dennis Hastert, Byron L. Dorgan, and Robert Ney. Hark back to the similarly heartfelt denials of wrongdoing from former congressman, current prisoner Randy “Duke” Cunningham. As you may recall he maintained his innocence right up until he agreed to a plea bargain that required him to confess all - the yacht, the home sale, taking handfuls and handfuls of money and a dizzying array of goodies in return for political favors. He did confess, tearfully, before the glaring lights of TV news cameras.

One can only look forward to a similar fate for these others who also deny any wrongdoing...